
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

My Child At School (MCAS)

What is MCAS? My Child at School (MCAS) is an online portal in which parents/ carers can view their child’s performance and other information at school in real time via the web or mobile app. The portal also provides general useful information about the Academy, such as the Academic calendar and Academy announcements. MCAS also allows parents to access their child’s Attendance and up-to-date information.

Parents can also view the student and contact details held on our records for your child, and advise us of any important changes like a change of address or contact numbers. It is important that our information is kept up to date should we need to make contact with you.

What if I have more than one child attending Oasis Academy Don Valley? If you have more than one child at the Academy, you are able to click on the name of the student next to their photograph and it will give you the option to select other students associated with the user. Click on the photograph or the text to change the views allowing information to be viewed with just one login.

What do I need to register/ set up my account? You will need the following info to set up your account: 

  • A valid email address that is registered with the Academy
  • The School ID: 11662 
  • Username: This has been sent to you via text message/ email by the Academy 
  • Invitation code: This has been sent to you via text message/ email by the Academy

 Please follow this link for the Oasis Don Valley My Child at School (MCAS) Parent/ Carer Guide 

Please follow this link for using MCAS for Dinner Money Payments 

If you do not have your Username and Invitation code, please contact the Academy on, or call 0114 220 0100 and our administration team can send the information across to you.