How long is the school day?
Typically, the school day starts at 8.30am and finishes at 3pm.
What is available to eat and drink during the day?
Children receive a free hot school meal every day. The Academy menu includes pizza, sausage and mash, pasta and fish fingers and chips. There is a a choice between meat or vegetarian. Allergies are catered for, just make sure to let staff know prior to starting. With the meal, children have water provided.
Throughout the day, children have access to water and healthy snacks. Children under the age of 5 receive free milk. Once your child turns 5, they can continue to receive this if paid for.
What do I need to bring on my first day?
Children will need their book bag (if they have received this) and a labelled bottle of water. Everything else will be provided.
Who will help me when I am in the Academy?
All adults will be around to help you. In each Reception class there will be a teacher and a teaching assistant. There will also be other adults who might come in to help throughout the day, including Playworkers at lunch time
Can I bring in my own toys?
Please do not bring any toys from home. We have plenty of resources for you to use in the classroom
Do I need a PE kit?
We have one session of PE a week, at first we practise taking our shoes and socks off. Halfway through the first term, we start to change for PE. PE kits consist of a white t-shirt and black shorts/leggings. Reception children do not need PE pumps as PE takes place indoors and bare footed.
How can my grown-up find out how I am doing in the Academy?
We hold parents evenings two times a year, which allows grown-ups to get an update on your progress.
Parents can also phone the Academy or use Purple Mash to email and arrange an appointment with your teacher.
Can I attend breakfast club and after-school clubs?
Breakfast club is temporarily suspended.
After- school clubs are available to Reception children after the first half term (October) 3-3:45.