
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Sleep Workshops

Charlotte Armitt from Fusion has been running a 'sleep better' workshop that has been extremely beneficial to parents and their children. Routines and sleep can have a significant impact on a child’s well-being and ability to concentrate. This course of workshops looked into the following:

·         Understanding sleep cycles

·         Common sleep issues and strategies to manage these

·         Establishing appropriate routines

·         Keeping sleep diaries and interpreting the data

·         Environments

·         Support to make a change

Take a look at some of the leaflets below for advice and guidance and click here to visit the Children's Sleep Charity website where you can subscribe to their mailing list and gain access to more help.  

How to create a calm bedroom

Relaxation tips for bedtimes

Bedtime routines

Sleep and diet

Children's Sleep Charity information