
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Extra Curricular Clubs

Breakfast Club - 

Breakfast Club is available every morning for your child to join us between 8:00am-8:30am. This will be at a cost of £2 per pupil and must be paid in advance at the time of the booking.  Unfortunately, we are not be able to accommodate any children arriving after 8:10am. Please see our letter below for further information. 

Breakfast Club Letter 2023

Breakfast Club Poster 2023 

Primary After School Activities

We are delighted to be able to offer a range of fun and exciting after school activities. Each activity will commence at 3pm and finish by 3:45pm, unless otherwise specified. We would ask that parents arrive promptly to collect their children from the main school gates. Please ask at Reception for an up to date list of activities. 

Secondary After School Activities 

We are delighted to be able to offer a range of after school and enrichment activities which also includes study sessions. Each activity will commence at 3pm and finish by 4pm, unless otherwise specified. We would ask that parents arrive promptly to collect their children from the main school gates. Please ask at Reception for an up to date list of activities.