At the end of your child's year in Reception class, pupils are assessed against the descriptors in the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile. Pupils will be judged to be ‘on track’ or ‘off track’
During the summer term of Year 1 pupils are assessed in Phonics and expected to meet the national standard. The assessment is undertaken by an adult well known to the pupil.
In Year 4 pupil’s multiplication knowledge will be tested this assessment is known as the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC). The MTC focuses on a pupil's fluency in multiplication tables, an essential mathematical skill.
If you have a pupil in Year 6 they will be taking their National Curriculum tests; the SATs in May. They are designed to provide information about how your child is progressing when compared to national averages.
It is important to note that they are not qualifications and do not affect your pupil's future options in school, but that the results are used to help teachers pitch their lessons at the appropriate level for their classes, with a view to helping pupils reach their full potential.
In addition to these national assessment points, teachers assess pupils continuously in every year group so that the work they are given matches their needs and our children can reach their full potential.