Role of Parents
We value developing positive relationships with parents and carers. Before children start nursery or reception we make links with parents by visiting the children at home, which is followed by a visit to the nursery or reception with the parents. We have a strong parental engagement plan and parents are invited into the Academy throughout the year for events, workshops, talks, exhibitions, stay and play sessions and parents mornings.
A close working relationship between home and the academy means children will achieve and thrive. As a result of this, we strongly believe in building and sustaining close partnerships with parents/carers. You are positively encouraged to ask any questions, share information, celebrate successes or raise any concerns with academy staff. At the beginning and end of the day the Principal, or Deputy Principal will normally be available on the playground to clarify information, answer questions or respond to any issues.
Teaching staff are all available for consultation at the end of the day briefly or appointments can be made where more complex issues might need to be shared. If you have any concerns at any time during the academic year please contact your child’s teacher by letter or through the office to arrange an appointment at a mutually convenient time so that you will be free from interruption. We will also contact you with any. Each term teachers send home a curriculum overview which gives details of the range of skills their children will be learning. Learning targets are also sent home termly.