Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)
The new RSE curriculum guidance was launched by the DfE in June 2019 to become compulsory from September 2020, this now means that all Schools and Academies are by law required to deliver this framework.
The guidance states that from September 2020, all schools must deliver Relationships and Health education including puberty in Primary schools and Relationships and Sex education in Secondary schools. The purpose of the upcoming curriculum is to provide knowledge and understanding of safe and healthy relationships based on respect. The program of study is designed to help children from all backgrounds build positive and safe relationships, supporting them to thrive in modern Britain.
We have worked hard to ensure that the RSE curriculum delivered here at Oasis Academy Don Valley compliments and builds on our existing Science, RE and PSHCE curriculum as well as aspects of spiritual, moral, social and cultural development (SMSC) that have always been an important part of our curriculum. We see the new aspects of the RSE curriculum as a fantastic opportunity to build on our curriculum around areas such as respect for different cultures, diversity, tolerance, and inclusion of the diverse groups in our society.
Please click here for the RSE Policy
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
1. Can I withdraw my child from the relationship’s aspects of RSE content?
a. We have a statutory (legal) obligation to deliver all parts of the RSE statutory framework within our Academy. As per the DFE guidance parents cannot withdraw children from any lessons around Relationships, this includes different types of relationships and LGBTQ+. Parents will continue to have a right to request to withdraw their child from sex education delivered as part of RSE. Three terms before a child turns 16 the right to withdraw is given to them. At this point, if the child themselves have the right to receive sex education rather than be withdrawn if they wish.
2. Does the new Relationships Education and RSE curriculum take account of my faith?
a. The subjects are designed to help pupils from all backgrounds build positive and safe relationships, and to thrive in modern Britain as per the 2010 Equality act. When putting together this policy, the religious background of pupils has been considered, so that topics are appropriately handled. In developing these subjects, the DFE, have worked with a number of representative bodies and faith organisations, representing all the major faith groups in England.
3. Within my religion there are rules around contraception and abortion, how will you ensure that this is handled sensitively?
a. Where contraception and abortion are taught this will be done in a factual way. The range of contraception available will be discussed, this will include the use of abstinence and natural contraceptive methods. Where abortion is taught, this is done in line with the laws of the UK, and discussions will focus on the law around abortion and will not be opinion based. For both topics it will be highlighted that within certain religions both contraception and abortion are not allowed.
4. Will my child be taught about LGBTQ+ relationships?
a. DFE guidance states that “Pupils should be taught about the society in which they are growing up. These subjects are designed to foster respect for others and for difference and educate pupils about healthy relationships Pupils should receive teaching on LGBT content during their school years. Teaching pupils about the society that we live in and the different types of loving, healthy relationships that exist can be done in a way that respects everyone. Primary schools should cover LGBT content when teaching about different types of families. Secondary schools should cover LGBT content in their RSE teaching. RSE should meet the needs of all pupils,– this should include age appropriate teaching about different types of relationships in the context of the law.”