
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community


As each child enters the Foundation Stage professional judgement, observations and assessments are used to assess the age band children are working ‘within’ across the EYFS (Early Year Foundation Stage) seven areas of learning. By the first half term of the child starting, a baseline assessment of each child will have been completed and this will inform planning and target setting.

Reception Baselines

During the children’s first half-term in Reception class, the teacher must conduct the DfE Reception Baseline. This is a short, interactive and practical assessment of your child’s early literacy, communication, language and mathematics skills when they begin school, using materials that most children of your child’s age will be familiar with. For more information, please read this leaflet - Information for parents: reception baseline assessment (

As the year progresses, children are monitored on their development and progress. Children’s learning journey’s show their individual level and stage of development, this is tracked using a safe online electronic system called EazMag. These are built up throughout the year by observations and assessments these then inform teaching and provision. At our Academy we set children individual targets to ensure we are constantly challenging children resulting in them reaching their potential. We have high expectations of all learners.

In this way we are also able to identify any additional needs or support that children may have and ensure that these are in place at the earliest opportunity in order to have the maximum impact on their learning.

More details about assessment are available in our EYFS policy.